I get it. Traveling with kids is overwhelming. We have six! We’ve flown with our kids, and driven out of the country with kids, and I’ve done both of those while pregnant. We love to travel and so do they. That first time you’re considering taking your kids somewhere it can be very overwhelming. What […]

Why do we feel good when we do certain activities? Our brains release chemicals that are associated with feeling happy. You know, those feel-good chemicals! I’m not super talented in explaining the ways the body works. It’s not in my area of expertise. I’m just here to try to show you that doing certain things […]

These are areas in which we personally don’t spend, where we see a lot of others do. It’s again, a personal choice! You do you, but sometimes I know it takes a different perspective to see things in a new light. TOYS I’m not talking about dump trucks for your son or dolls for your […]

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