Manifesting to guide your life- How to manifest to get the life you want.

I think there is a lot to be said about manifesting.


  1. clear or obvious to the eye or mind.

“the system’s manifest failings”


  1. display or show (a quality or feeling) by one’s acts or appearance; demonstrate.

“Ray manifested signs of severe depression”

I was never really a person who was into this topic before the last couple years. I’m not really sure what has brought it on but I have gotten more in tune with meditating, manifesting, crystals and other things. I’m not sure if you find these things ‘out there’ or if you are into it or somewhere in between. I know I hear about it more everyday. I feel there is some merit to it.

Let’s talk about manifesting.

I think a similar topic would be a vision board. I think everyone can agree, if you think positively in life, then you have more positively. If you lean towards negative thoughts, then more negative things seem to follow. It’s all about what you focus on. If you have repeated thoughts of pregnancy, then you seem to be aware of pregnant women everywhere. This is because your mind is more focused on that topic and you are more aware it. So if you’re focused on certain things, it makes sense that ‘thing’ would be more prominent in your life or be seen more easily.

I started this year on a positive note in January. I manifested a couple times on our family trip to Mexico. The beach is my happy place. I decided to make good use of all the positive chemicals like oxytocin, endorphins, serotonin and dopamine. I struggle in the winter and had no idea what was ahead for me this year. I think things got put into action on that vacation. Let me explain.

It was a little stressful to think of the possibility of some of us getting stuck in Mexico due to a positive covid test. Therefore, I manifested on our last day that we were all going to have a negative test and travel safely back home. I also manifested that week for the year ahead. I decided I wanted to have the healthiest year in mind, body, and spirit. Whatever it took to become my best self.

I put it out there to the universe. That is basically what you’re doing when you manifest. I said out loud what I wanted for myself for the year and put it out there so that the universe could help me get there. Honestly I struggle with this being acceptable as I believe in one true God, but I know that God is always with me so manifesting/prayer can really be one of the same.

After that trip I really did well health wise for myself. I worked out and ate better than I have in a long time. Unfortunately that didn’t last long and by March I was in the worst place of my life.

April I ended up in the hospital for my mental health and from there things turned around.

Started a new medication, since what I was on was clearly not working anymore. A new therapist for trauma who specializes in EMDR. I had no idea that things in my life would fall into place so well. Unfortunately, they had to fall apart to get there, but I’m actually quite thankful they did. If I had never gotten to the doctor, with them suggesting I go to the hospital, I never would have talked to the psychiatrist who led me to trauma therapy. It’s why depression and anxiety have come up in my life at different times. I can go more into all that another day.

I really thought that when I manifested for a healthy year it would mean losing the baby weight. That wasn’t it. I’m still really thankful all the pieces have come together like they have. I have a long ways to go but have seen a lot of improvement. It’s taken a lot of hard work on myself and been extremely exhausting.

What in life is easy though?

It certainly doesn’t have to be the beginning of the year or even the month to decide to change your life. If there is something that you feel you need to work on then start with something small.

You can start with making your own vision board! Go to the store and get a white posterboard. Cut out photos or words from magazines, print things off the internet, add some photos or stickers. Make sure your board has all positive, uplifting, joyful things you want to work towards. Maybe you want to get a degree? Put a photo of someone graduating. The CEO at work or get a promotion; put up a certificate that has your name on it!

I’d really like to have body confidence, so I would put a photo of myself in a happy state or someone who exudes confidence. One thing is for sure, it doesn’t have to be fancy. It’s for you and no one else. What do you see for yourself? Where do you want to be in 5 years? Everyone can improve, everyone can learn more, and everyone can work towards being better. I think doing those things are a small part of making the world better. Anyone who is taking the time to make themselves a better version is way too busy to be worrying about others.

Here are some Manifesting thoughts I’ve come up with that are good for me:

I am going to have tons of confidence.

I will believe in myself and my ability to do whatever I put my mind to.

I can accomplish anything with grit and consistency.

I will love the person I am and I will see with God’s eyes how he views me.

I will be the Lioness that the Leo should be and humbly take the power of self I deserve.

I will have the confidence that God has in me to do His will for my life.

When I hear God’s call I will answer and do so without anxieties and doubts and trust where God leads.

I will love my body, just as it is. I will know my unique personality traits and my strengths and own them.

My phone and social media will not own me or my thoughts of self.

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