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5 ways to ease anxiety right now

Simple steps to combat anxiety right now.

Stop distracting yourself with your phone, tv, etc. and allow the emotions to flow in.

  • The more you try to fight anxiety and get rid of it by ignoring it and trying to force it to stop, the worse the anxiety is going to get. Invite the emotions in and allow it to flow. Try to figure out the root of the anxiety and take steps to deal with it.

Take a shower.

  • It can be really great for your mood to simply take a shower. If you take a cold shower it can increase blood to the brain and ease inflammation. This will help with depression and anxiety. Warm showers also have positive impacts. I like to start with a warm shower and end with it as cold as I can stand. That way I get the benefits of both.


  • There are a lot of great free guided meditations on YouTube that are amazing. Honestly, I’ve gone from high anxiety over a situation to stopping distractions, opening a guided meditation and feeling peace as soon as I started. I assumed as soon as I let the same thoughts come in that I would be overwhelmed by the anxiety but amazingly it did not. I was able to handle the situation from a different thought process and move forward.

Stand in grounding poses and take deep breaths.

  • I could do a whole post on the benefits of grounding. I will get to that sometime. For now, plant your feet flat on the ground, stand with your feet slightly more than hip width apart and start with your chest out and your palms open and facing forward. Tilt your chin up and chest out and feel the power that comes from this pose.
  • Grounding is so good for your body and mind. Grounding in a simple sense is connecting to the earth with your body. You’re receiving the power and strength that the earth can provide you. It can help with sleep, stress, mental health, inflammation and pain. In the summertime, it’s an added bonus if you can go outside barefoot and stand this way in the grass.

Get your body moving in ways you aren’t used to.

  • Jolt your system. Start dancing. Do yoga poses that you aren’t used to. Stretch. Go for a walk. Regular exercise will have lots of benefits to your health, not just physically. Movement will increase endorphins, it can help us move these emotions through our body. If you’ve been in a rut and are feeling anxious try to get your body moving and flowing and help get everything shaken up.
  • Please know you aren’t alone if you face anxiety on a regular basis. There are so many out there who suffer from this same battle even if it seems like no one else could understand what you’re going through. I think a big part of my struggles with mental health is remembering I’m not alone, even if that is what my illness is trying to tell me. You need to get out of your head and bring yourself down into your body and feel what is real.

May God be with you and give you strength!

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