V-I-S-I-O-N B-O-A-R-D is how to spell success

Ha! Ok success is not spelled v-i-s-i-o-n b-o-a-r-d, obviously.

You get what I’m saying though right? No?

I’ve heard multiple times that those who have gone after their dreams, and these are usually big dreams, are people who have made vision boards. If you don’t know what that is, it’s literally a board where you put photos or words that have what you want in life.

One of my favorite parts of the movie “How to be Single” is when Meg’s boyfriend Ken talks about how he put on his vision board that her boobs were going to get bigger. LOL

Vision boards, as I’ve said, have been used by many successful people. Ellen DeGeneres, Oprah Winfrey, Katy Perry, Steve Harvey. Just to name some.

Go after the life you want.

Here is the digital version of my 2023 vision board.

I just started this blog, but I plan to get 1000 followers this year. Get more tattoos and make more money. Read more books and run a race. Become my best self physically.

You see, I used a certain way to express what’s on my vision board. I started out typing how I hope to get some more followers on my new blog. Do you see the problem with saying it that way? I didn’t have much belief in it myself or many specific details such as the number amount. A vision board and manifesting is about putting out that positive belief in what you want and that you will achieve it. Saying “I’d like to make more at my job.” is not as powerful of a statement as “I will make more at my job.” You have to make the decision that you will, in fact, do that, not just think about it. It’s starting to take the action by putting it out there.

Powerful mind. Powerful vibes.

The mind is an extremely powerful thing. I decided that I was going to use it to help drive my life in the right direction. In the path that I deserve to go. I know you can do that too.

What’s on your vision board for this year?

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