How I came about Manifesting my life

I wanted to do a more in-depth post about manifesting and how it came about in my life.

I talked a little bit in this post about how I manifested in January 2022 on our beach trip. As I was driving today I was thinking about how I wanted to talk more about how that practice came into my life. A lot of parts in 2022 were like puzzle pieces that have all started to come together for me. At the time, of course, I couldn’t see that and I feel like all of this is going to be helpful for someone else going through things and maybe learning how to deal with past events and needing to remember the importance of pushing through.

So, I’m going to have to give some back story and I’ll try to keep it to the point. It’s all part of the story.

Obviously, 2020 was hard for everyone. We all went through things and some of them were similar but some of us had our own deeper struggles. For me, 2020 was filled with anxiety and change and it was the start of everything falling in a different direction than previous years. The world was dealing with so many unknowns and I was also dealing with anxiety in my job each month and what I thought was postpartum anxiety/depression. Then in September the death of someone I knew pushed me beyond what I could handle on my own and I went to the doctor.

In 2020 I came very close to God with my daily devotional reading, meditating and prayer. I was doing everything I could to try to beat my daily struggles with mental health. The doctor had given me medication and it was very helpful. I felt like I could live fully again.

Also in 2020 despite the struggles I leaned into some new things, like a love of bonfires and the outdoors. I had fallen in love with constellations and the sky during our many nights under the stars in our backyard. This all lead to reading a lot on constellations, new moons, crystals, and you guessed it, manifesting. I had started at the end of 2020 to look more into the new moons and what others practiced during this time. I know so many people may be reading that and feeling like that’s all too hippy-dippy-trippy and I get it. It’s not for everyone. But bare with me because I’m getting there and it doesn’t get too weird.

To be clear as well, God is my rock, my refuge and my strength and I don’t hold anything above Him. He created the stars, the sky, and everything in it, so I don’t feel like there’s anything wrong with these new things I’ve learned about. I understand for some it may be a line they don’t feel comfortable crossing and I can understand that too.

Ok, back to my backstory.

I thought it was a cool idea that with the new moon to get rid of old habits and old beliefs that aren’t serving you and ushering in a new period in your life. So since I was struggling in 2020 and desperately wanted to move my life onto a positive note, I tried some new ways to remove negativity. I decided to write down negative beliefs and habits and cut them up and tossed them out. You could also burn them. Then you can write down or speak out positive things you want in your life.

Now you know a little about how I got to this point and in the other post I tell you how I decided to manifest in Mexico so we would all pass our covid test and go home together. Then I manifested to have my healthiest year yet.

I did not in any way think the year would go the way it did. For me, healthiest year yet was supposed to be more about losing the baby weight than dealing with past trauma and finally healing. But I said healthiest year and it was all part of those puzzle pieces that needed to come together.

If you are constantly dealing with an on and off again struggle with anxiety and depression where they just come back harder than ever and you are left fighting to deal with them then there may be a deeper issue at hand that you may want to figure out. I didn’t realize that I had some childhood trauma that needed resolved and healed in order for me to really be able to stay on top of my mental health. I thought the stuff in the past was just going to be that way and didn’t know I could improve on the way that affected my life. My kids growing older, no more babies to care for meant less distractions from what really bothered me deep down.

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